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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Another Way Recycled Paper Is Used.

J.S.Vig's Project Green Construction is a favorite site of mine. Like me, he uses common sense, and easily viewable information to show and explain why its not only more cost effective, its better for you all the way around to use recycled materials in redoing your home.

Granted, this isnt really for a project on a budget, but if for some reason you need to re-insulate your home (water damage, mold, fire, renovation, etc) Cellulose is the way to go. No only does it outperform, its generally 50-70% of the cost of regular pink fiberglass insulation.


The Viber said...

Good to know, I have a friend looking at reinsulation now, will have to suggest this to him.

Spilii said...

Nice blog!

Music, Video Games, Tacos said...

nice stuff!

Anonymous said...

good stuff

lolvidya said...

isn't cellulose just a degraded sugar?

Anonymous said...

Interesting. Wonder how it works.

CircleFap said...

Really interesting video, I'm following. Check out my blog if you like!

Herrar said...

Genius or a nut job, not sure.. :D

David said...

Cool idea dude :D

Adrian Larsson said...

Hmm, how knew!

shirou said...

thanks for sharing that

Amorality said...

The topic of your blog interests me and I shall be viewing it in the future.


Anonymous said...

hahah looks funny :D

WakeOfBuzzards said...

Thats epic. said...

cool vid man

Annie Smith said...

I keep that in mind! :)

David Nickson said...

Looks good, in the end its all about the performance!

Intellectual Relapse said...

cool, shame I don't have a house to insulate

dhgdsfgh said...

Recycling never interested me
until now

Infinity said...

great idea, like everyday. im curious what you will find next time

joker said...

add me i read your stuff daily

Barnacle said...

great stuff!

Daniel said...

Showing my support, baby!

hamonrye said...

I'll let the landlord know about this. Heh.

Come At Me Bro said...

This is awesome!

justinb7714 said...

thats awesome ....

Michael said...

cool blog man, also if you want to make the video stop from going outside of the blog space then change the width number in the HTML

Slumph said...

Wait, wasnt the temperature higher in the fibreglass insulation ... meaning better insulating properties? C:

Sparrow said...

@Slumph, while yes the temp is higher on the insulation side, notice that its reading the air on the topside of the insulation, not the side that the heat source is on. This means more heat LOSS (lower insulating factor), meaning your using more energy to heat the same amount of space.

Dick McHardcheese said...

very interesting.
I have some family that owns a construction business and have heard about this but never seen an empirical test on it before.
Nice blog def following.